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Code of Conduct

The purpose of our School Code of Conduct is to help provide a safe, supportive, and stimulating environment for learning that will enable all students to be successful.

The Code of Conduct can be simplified into a simple statement: B.E.A.R.S

The Purpose

The purpose of the George Bonner Elementary School Code of Conduct is to provide everyone at school a safe, healthy and friendly learning environment.  Students are expected to accept responsibility for their actions and behaviours at all times.  The code of conduct applies in the classroom, in the school, on the school grounds, on the way to and from school, on field trips and while participating in any school programs and activities.

Conduct Expectations

Students are to:

  • Be respectful of people and property
  • Follow the directions of school staff in a co-operative and respectful manner
  • Act in a safe, responsible manner
  • Be caring and include others
  • Attend school regularly and punctually
  • Not to interfere with the learning of others
  • Use appropriate language and not tease or call anyone names
  • Keep ‘hands off’ (people, rocks, sticks, snowballs etc.)
  • Respect the diversity of our school community
  • Act in a manner that builds school community

It is expected that as students become older and more mature, then privileges and responsibilities will increase.

WITS Program

George Bonner will continue to emphasize the WITS Program in order to support students, staff and the school community in developing strategies for dealing with bullying and peer conflict.  The WITS acronym- Walk away, Ignore, Talk it out, and Seek help- provides a common language that children and staff around the school can use when problematic situations arise.